Sunday, October 25, 2009

Silk Stocking Sunday

This is the second Sunday that I've worn my silk stockings- I think they go quite well with my brown boots- as a house mate once called them, my pretty boots. It's a pretty grey Sunday but God loves even when it's grey outside. At church I sat with a certain lovely family who's son was one of the head servers for mass. I ended up being between the Father of this family and other young man I didn't know but looked very respectable (wearing Sunday pants and nice sweater). I LOVE GENTLEMEN! The Father of the family took care of me the entire mass too. Though he didn't share the same kneeler with me he would reach over and pull mine down for me before I could stick my foot out to flip it down myself- otherwise I would've let the young man on my right do it for me. I kind of like bossing young men into doing things for me like that, sometimes I stand outside of doors when I'm with young men until they open them for me. I think that's the teacher and the mothering instinct in me. When we went up for communion the Father let me go ahead of him like his own daughter. Oh how I love Christians! How I love that we can love so deeply and be so humble to each other just because! After mass he looked at me with such a tender smile and said "I'm so glad you chose to sit with us!"- like I was somehow a plus to their day as much as they had been for me! "Love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor" (Rom. 12:10). Now I'm going eat a bowl of fruit soup. I'm so spoiled. I get to go mass 4 days in a row and eat fruit soup and blueberry muffins and watch my little brothers grow up! Praised be Jesus!

1 comment:

Anne said...

I have the same EXACT skirt! And I'm wearing it today. So pretty.