Wednesday, June 9, 2010


For my 3 youngest siblings today was the last day of school- and boy did they kick it of with force! Grace, as a new ninth grader spent the day at Valleyfair like every new ex-middle schooler should. Joseph, Benjamin and I went to a park with a lake this afternoon and Benjamin fell in the lake (mind you we had no towels or extra clothes along). Funny though that Benjamin had sat down in the water before he slipped and fell...8 year olds! The best age ever! After dinner Joseph was "bouncing that ball off of Benjamin's head" and they broke a wine glass that shattered all over the dining room floor- then they gorged on popcorn. Benjamin so earnestly asked me if anyone had ever won the record for having the biggest mouth. I told him I had only ever seen the man who could fit 3 cheeseburgers in his mouth at once- but that I didn't know if that could be the record for the biggest mouth. As my Dad was putting them to sleep Joseph was saying:
'We really don't have school tomorrow? What are we going to do?'...
That's my question...

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