Sunday, November 15, 2009


First of all, can I just say that I love God? Seriously, He's just so amazing and normal and there but not and just every incredible paradox you could ever think of. What the heck- no wonder He's can create a universe- I mean- really. And in two weeks it will be the first Sunday of Advent. I'm ridiculously excited for Christmas this year.

In any case I've been pretty down this week because of my classes. I go to a Christian school and all but there are many here who still ascribe to worldly ideas. In my "Jesus in Scripture and Tradition" class we keep talking about the "historical Jesus" and what stories in the New Testament are historical and what words those early Christians decided to put in Jesus' mouth. While reading about it all these arguments can make sense and for awhile I felt like I was in this weird state of "but I thought these things were real!"- and then I remembered that God exists. I think people get so into things so fast- even studying Jesus- that they forget that God exists. God times things so well. First of all he had Jesus be Jewish (I had a friend freak out about how cool it was that Jesus was Jewish this week- little did she know I was thinking the same thing!). The Jews were so cool- they had everything figured out- or rather, God had figured everything out for them with the 10 commandments and Solomon and the prophets- plus they really knew how to worship, study God, and party. In short, they knew how to live. Granted at Jesus time there was some corruption and oppression and tax collecting, but hey, who doesn't do a little tax collecting every now and then? Plus, in Jesus time the Romans were lording over the Jews- and what were the Romans? They were some pretty intelligent folks- I mean God putting himself in Greco-Roman influenced society was just about the smartest move ever- those guys had it all figured out too! And on top of it all GOD did it! Why are we even asking if Jesus really turned the water into wine at the wedding in Canna, or what Jesus "really said"- Jesus said it all because it's holy scripture! Did Jesus eat on the Wednesday before passover or Thursday night when passover was beginning? Can't the answer be "yes"? Can't God do what he sees fit? Can't we live with paradoxes? Do scholars every pray? Do we have to forget that we're not God the second we start studying something? Can't we love what God gave us? Humans!

In the meantime it's Sunday and I'm deciding to focus on what God gave me this week. The world gives me so much crap and it weighs me down. God gives me love and light and life. Let us continually give thanks to Him! There is nothing better for us to do than to give ourselves wholly and unreservedly to God!


Michael said...

Rosey! Don't let them, get you down. Most of what they say is speculation and based upon very little evidence. Stripping Jesus of his divinity is an old hat sort of thing. The historical critical method is one method among many, and it is so inadequate to answer most of the questions in the New Testament. It seems to take liberties and giant leaps where it shouldn't. If you do any research, get some Raymond E. Brown, a very good Catholic scripture scholar.

Rosey here's some spiritual insight from "The Discernment of Spirits"
In times of Desolation never change your proposals and resolutions in consolation. "We are never called merely to endure such desolation passively until it somehow fades. God's call in time of spiritual desolation is always to take active steps to resist and reject the desolation itself. This is what Ignatius intends in presenting the call to "change ourselves intensely against the desolation itself."86 rule 6

God bless you!


Rebecca said...

BERNA'S DOOR!!! I will never forget that morning my alarm went off and there you stood, by the foot of bed, dancing to its annoying tune. Then you said, "Becca! I already took some amazing pictures!" We then proceeded to tromp around the house, catching the rays of sun where we could.

God is so good.

I'M PRAYING FROM YOU! The devil won't have this one either...