Monday, September 28, 2009

And That Too...

Alright, I'm too the point where I'm feeling sick when I hear a swear word. I'm sick of negativity. I'm sick of complaints about things that are wonderful. I'm sick of sexual humor- sick of hearing about people I love getting drunk. DOWN WITH APATHY!

Today in my "Jesus in Scripture and Tradition" class the teacher was talking about the gospel of Mark (and how COOL it is!), and how Jesus demands that we, as Christians, need to operate so differently than how the world operates. He talked about how if we are followers of Christ, we will suffer because Christ suffered- and if for some reason we aren't suffering- we may want to ask why. I could hardly believe that those words were spoken in that classroom. He said it hurts to follow Jesus because it hurts to be different. How it hurts more to see others suffer without Christ though! These poor people feed on complains only to find that complaints only cause the soul to become bitter and helpless. It's just like eating too much fast food. The negativity here has pressed on me ever since I got here at the beginning of the year. It's horrible to witness- and sometimes in my own sorrows I wish I could just complain- but my taste for fast food has waned in the past few years and I know the consequences of living that way. The thing is, God wants our whole selves. He wants us to question how things are done, he wants us to realize that his laws were revealed to us for us. He wants us to have undivided hearts. Oh yes- and he wants that too- whatever that may be for you. Swearing for some odd satisfaction, getting drunk because thats what you do in college, telling a sex joke so that you can futher pervert and turn into a killing machine one of the most holy and beautiful acts God has entrusted to us. Down with apathy, down with mediocrity, down with not loving, down with holding things back from God. Let yourself be opened and let the light of Christ purify you! Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God!