Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh Beauty!

"One Sunday when I was looking at a picture of Our Lord on the Cross, I saw the Blood coming from one of His hands and felt terribly sad to think that It was falling to the earth and that no one was rushing foreward to catch It. I determinded to stay continually at the foot of the Cross and recieve It. I knew that I should then have to spread It among other souls. The cry of Jesus on the Cross- "I am thirsty"- rang continually in my heart and sent me burning with a new, intense longing. I wanted to quench the thirst of my Well-Beloved and I myself was consumed with a thirst for souls. I was concerned not with the souls of priests but with those of great sinners which I wanted to snatch from the flames of hell."

-St. Therese, Story of a Soul (63)

Right on Therese- It's so hard for me to see people suffering in the hell they make for themselves when Jesus is pouring out His love for us- if we would only reach out and drink! Grace is ours for the taking- we have only to ask for it! No one can complain about the lack of grace that is offered us because we have infinite opportunities- it's not hard- though it seems so- to just act on the grace that we have inside of us. How often do the married call on the graces stored up from the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony to help them in their daily struggles? How often do the unconfirmed remember that they've been washed in the waters of Baptism and that the grace received in that sacrament lies waiting in their hearts to be stirred up in their souls? Oh if men would only see what they are capable of with God- with the grace he pours on us! Anything! Anything is possible- even wacky stuff like walking on water, weird! Why would God do that? But why not? Anything is possible. I think this is why I continue to enjoy activities such as roller skating and jump roping- why not? We're humans! Let us know 'how great is the joy to which we are called'! Oh beauty!

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