Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Almost a Pilgrimage

It's a REALLY Catholic place any how- what other bookshop has an Epiphany blessing over it's front door?
And what other book shop calls themselves a "Theological Book Seller"?
Yes, Loome Theological Book Sellers in Stillwater MN has it all- books with metal covers in Greek to first edition writings by St. John Fisher (yes, first edition- meaning the book printed like 500 years ago while St. John Fisher was STILL ALIVE- is IN the store able to be held in your hand- and bought by you if you have $2500).
I'm not exaggerating when I say this is the coolest book store known to man- imagine an old church with books in every crack and cranny- with skinny aisles and creaky staircases and just BOOKS up to every ceiling- that is literally what this is. Remember that part in Beauty and the Beast when he gives her the library and they play that gushy music and she cries "I've never seen so many books in all my life!"? That just what this is. You get to stare at shelves that look like this for as many hours as the store is open:
But make sure you do take a break and get some fresh air- after awhile you'll start growing glasses and a button down shirt- or you'll go into a coma from the sheer number and variety of books and the sheer lack of air. But make sure you go to the bathroom there- first of all there is a tub in the bathroom- why? I'll leave that up to your imagination. Second there are more books, and thirdly there are old sacrament certificates on the walls that are absolutely stunning.
I felt a long way from Northfield. Tony made it out only spending 5 dollars on a copy of Introduction to the Devout Life and I bought some Mystic Monk Coffee and a few cards from the 1940's remembering priests ordinations (10 cents each). The earth is such an odd place- and God is pleased with book stores like this- what a lovely crazy God we have!


Michael said...

I'm glad you got out to wonderful Stillwater Minnesota! I want to get assigned in such a place. Did you visit the two beautiful Churches? Father Creagan calls Stillwater the pride tour. Haha.

Michael said...

Oh yeah and if Looms doesn't have it you don't need it.

Abecedarius Rex said...

The first time I walked into Loom's I was looking for some Gregorian chant works (and found plenty). They had on display that day a, I kid not, 16th century manuscript of Dante's "Inferno". Stunning. Expensive.